Independent Living Skills Development

Is there a skill or task that you would like to learn, but haven’t been able to because of your disability? LiveAbility’s Independent Living Skills Development Program (ILSDP) is designed to help you make the most of your abilities and increase your self-reliance through education.

Learning or re-learning how to be self-sufficient in today’s world is essential to the goal of living independently. The skills training program is designed to empower individuals with disabilities to make and act upon their own choices.

How Can LiveAbility’s ILSD Program help you?

Program Director

Paulette Southerly


(304) 296-6091, Ext. 104


Learn Personal Skills

  • Building Self Esteem
  • Assertiveness
  • Social Skills
  • Small personal goals

Learn Employment Skills

  • Personal Image
  • Interviewing Techniques
  • Career Options
  • Career path goals

Learn Finance Skills

  • Money Management
  • Filing Taxes
  • Financial Planning
  • Balance A Checkbook

Independent Living Skills Development

And So Much More

The team at LiveAbility work to provide custom solutions to all Northern WV residents living with any kind of disability.  Please contact a member of our team to find out which of our Core Services and Programs may be available to help YOU gain independence and control over your life!

Our Mission

LiveAbility will encourage and assist West Virginians living with disabilities to be in control of their own destinies and day-to-day decisions. They will be in control of what is done on their behalf to take a more active role in their own independence to the greatest degree possible for their unique situations.

Our Full List Of Services


Skills Training

Info & Referrals

Peer Support

Transition Services

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