Core Services
LiveAbility is a unit of the West Virginia Independence Network (WIN). WIN centers are community-based, cross-disability, non-profit organizations that are designed and operated by people with disabilities. WIN Centers are unique in that they operate according to a strict philosophy of consumer control, wherein people with all types of disabilities directly govern and staff the organization. IL Services offered by LiveAbility include:

We Speak For Us
From equal access to civil rights, Advocacy is central to LiveAbility’s goal of inclusion for all people living with disabilities. LiveAbility provides assistance for both individual and systems advocacy through media campaigns, education drives, discrimination complaints, and more.
Skills Training

Learn Self-Sufficiency At LiveAbility
Learning or re-learning how to be self-sufficient in today’s world is essential to the goal of living independently. The skills training program at LiveAbility is designed to empower individuals with disabilities to make and act upon their own choices. We assist consumers with Money Management, Personal Goals, Career Options, Interview Techniques and so much more.
Info & Referrals

Knowledge Is Power
Information & Referral (I&R) services help people obtain relevant and accurate information to meet specific needs. I&Rs are available to anyone interested in securing disability related information or in accessing an appropriate resource referral.
Information can be obtained by calling us at 304-296-6091, stopping in at our center between 8 AM and 4:30 PM, or completing our request form.
Peer Support

Peers Offer Support, Strength, and Hope
Peer support services are delivered by individuals who have common life experiences with the people they are serving. Peers have “been there, done that.” People with disabilities – physical or intellectual disabilities, mental health and/or substance abuse issues – have a unique capacity to help each other based on a shared affiliation and a deep understanding of this experience.
Transition Services

Active Participation In Society Is Possible
LiveAbility’s Transition Services component aims to facilitate the transition of individuals with significant disabilities from nursing homes and other institutions to home and community-based residences, provide assistance to individuals with significant disabilities who are at risk of entering institutions so that the individuals remain in the community, and facilitate the transition of youth who are individuals with significant disabilities who are eligible for individualized education programs.
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Our Mission
LiveAbility will encourage and assist West Virginians living with disabilities to be in control of their own destinies and day-to-day decisions. They will be in control of what is done on their behalf to take a more active role in their own independence to the greatest degree possible for their unique situations.
Latest News
Charleston, WV – The West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council along with the West Virginia Centers for Independent Living, who make up the West Virginia Independence Network (WIN), will host the third annual Independent Living (IL) Day at the Capitol on...
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