Jan 2, 2024 | Advocacy, Disability, Public Awareness

Charleston, WV – The West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council along with the West Virginia Centers for Independent Living, who make up the West Virginia Independence Network (WIN), will host the third annual Independent Living (IL) Day at the Capitol on Friday, January 19, 2024. This event will be celebrating Independent Living programs and highlighting unmet needs of people with disabilities in WV.

Share your story with legislators, advocate for independent living, and support people with disabilities. This day of educating and advocacy brings together West Virginia Independent Network’s (WIN) staff, disability advocates, and individuals with disabilities from across the state.

The WIN empowers West Virginians living with disabilities through advocacy, skills training, information & referral, transition services, and peer support.  The WIN provides resources that allow West Virginians with disabilities to make choices for their own lives and advocate for their own needs.

The event will begin at 9:00am and will include exhibits, a rally, floor sessions, and visits with your legislator:

• 9:00-3:00          Exhibits/Displays

• 10:00-11:00      Rally

• 11:00-1:00        Floor Sessions

• 1:00-3:00          Visit Legislators

For more information please visit our website or Facebook page at or

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