Nov 20, 2019 | Advocacy, Disability, Public Awareness, Training

The WV Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is a statewide training and leadership development event for students (Delegates) with all types of disabilities, high school juniors & seniors and college freshmen, who are transitioning to adulthood. The YLF will be held on the campus of West Virginia State University in Institute, WV on June 22-25, 2020.

The YLF will provide a variety of activities, learning opportunities, and a chance to make new friends.

Learn about the history of disability and the disability rights movement in America, national leaders, and your place in the movement and disability culture. Be a part of something much bigger than yourself!

Twenty-five youth (Delegates) will be selected to attend the YLF – at no cost – make sure you are one of them!

For more information call 304-766-4624 or toll free at 855-855-9743. You may also visit our website at www.wvsilc.org.

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